Take me to the races!

You are entering to win free tickets to the race of your choice.  Winners will receive two tickets and a parking pass for their chosen event.  No changes to desired race once won will be honored.  Any changes to the NHRA event is out of our control.  We will announce the winner via email and make an announcement on our social media pages.  Please be sure you are entering a valid email.

Ok, enough with the small talk.  Now choose a damn race so I can get these tickets off my desk!!

-The Boss 


Winners are chosen at random. We will contact you via email for a mailing address to send the winning tickets to you. We will send an intial email and one follow up email. If we do not hear back from you one week before the event then we will choose another winner. If you missed your email or it went to spam/junk folder then you can enter to win a future event. We will not honor you as a winner if no response from follow up email is received.